After weather-related delays, Digicel has officially launched its 5G network in Apia. The rollout began on Monday at five sites, including the Levili Data Centre, FMFMII, NFP building, Tatte building, and Frankie Mall. Despite heavy downpours postponing the original launch date, Digicel plans to expand to 15 additional sites within the next year.
“This 5G launch isn’t just about faster speeds; it’s about delivering an exceptional experience for our customers in Samoa,” said Anthony Seuseu, CEO of Digicel Samoa. “We are committed to improving our network and opening new possibilities with this transformative technology.”
5G technology promises significantly faster speeds compared to previous networks, with initial tests showing speeds of 550 to 600 megabits per second and a potential peak of 1 gigabit per second. This advancement will enhance streaming, downloading, and gaming experiences for customers with compatible devices.
Digicel is the first company to introduce 5G services in Samoa.