The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has approved a $22.66 million grant for Tonga’s Coastal Resilience Project, with an additional $1.2 million from the government and $63,000 from the UN Development Program (UNDP).
This initiative aims to enhance the long-term resilience of vulnerable coastal communities in Tonga against climate change. The project is led by the Department of Climate Change under the Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECC) and supported by UNDP.
“There is an urgent need to build resilience of coastal communities in Tonga to the adverse impacts of climate change, including sea level rise, coastal inundation, and erosion,” said MEIDECC CEO, Sione ‘Akauola.
UNDP’s Pacific Office Resident Representative, Munkhtuya Altangerel, added, “This project will define clear strategies to protect communities from sea level rise and marine hazards, integrating science, infrastructure, and community consultation.”
The project will start in 2025, focusing on immediate coastal protection and long-term adaptation planning.