Prime Minister Hu’akavameiliku has labeled the timing of a Vote of No Confidence (VONC) motion against him as disruptive and poorly timed.
Speaking on the issue during a press conference yesterday, the Prime Minister said, “I wish there was another time, but we have to deal with it because the motion has been put forward.”
The PM said that although the law allows for a motion for VONC, the process could take up to two weeks, leading into the holiday season.
Hu’akavameiliku also expressed concern over the potential challenges a new government would face, including passing a budget for the financial year starting in July 2025 and preparing for a general election in November 2025.
He added that Parliament will go on leave three months before the election to allow for campaign activities.
The Prime Minister emphasised the need for Parliament to focus on legislation, noting that agencies like the Office of the Anti-Corruption Commissioner are in place to assess government performance.
Parliament is currently adjourned until December 2, while the Prime Minister and Cabinet are required to respond to the VONC motion by midday on Friday 29 November. Under Tonga’s Constitution, five days’ notice is required before the motion can be debated.
This year, Parliament has held only three-quarters of its annual sessions. The last meeting was on October 15.