The National Disaster Risk Management Office (NDRMO) has announced a tsunami drill scheduled for next Tuesday, November 5 on Tongatapu.
The exercise will take place from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm and involves several schools: GMS Popua, GMS Ma’ufanga, GMS Kolomotu’a, GMS Fanga, and GPS Hala’ovave.
The NDRMO is focusing on preparing these schools for potential emergency situations.
During the drill, tsunami warning sirens will be activated as part of a test to evaluate the response readiness of students and staff at these schools.
Residents across Tongatapu are reminded that this is only a drill for the participating schools. The public is urged to remain calm and not to evacuate.
The NDRMO said that cooperation from the community is essential to ensure the drill is safe and successful.