The Teieniwa Vision, launched during a conference held in Tarawa, Kiribati on February 4-5, 2020, represents a united effort by Pacific Island leaders to combat corruption and promote integrity throughout the region. Chaired by the President of Kiribati, the gathering included Prime Ministers, Vice Presidents, and representatives from several Pacific nations, as well as international partners.
The core message of the Teieniwa Vision is to emphasise the need for collective action against corruption in the Pacific Islands. Recognising that corruption undermines progress and hampers aspirations for peace and prosperity, the leaders committed to a unified approach to tackle this issue. The vision draws on global anti-corruption frameworks, such as the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16), which focus on promoting transparency, accountability, and strong institutions.
A key element of the Teieniwa Vision is the call for political will and leadership at all levels. Leaders are urged to champion anti-corruption practices in their governments, public services, and communities. The vision highlights the importance of transparency, the rule of law, and good governance, and stresses the need for well-resourced national efforts to address corruption effectively.
The vision also underscores the need to build a culture of integrity across society. This includes strengthening public awareness, education, and transparency in both the public and private sectors. The Teieniwa Vision supports the establishment of independent integrity bodies and encourages collaboration with civil society, media, and other stakeholders to combat corruption.
Symbolically, the term “Teieniwa,” meaning sail and canoe in Kiribati, represents the idea of navigating a challenging journey together, much like a sailing canoe facing both calm and rough seas. This imagery reflects the long-term, collaborative effort required to fight corruption and ensure a prosperous future for the Blue Pacific.