The New Zealand International Film Festival (NZIFF) today announced the winners of the prestigious 2024 New Zealand’s Best and Ngā Whanaunga Māori Pasifika Shorts awards. Among the winners, director Vea Mafile’o stood out, receiving the NZIFF Patrons Award for Best Film for her work Lea Tupu’anga/Mother Tongue.
Selected by Guest Selector Gerard Johnstone, the five finalists for New Zealand’s Best showcased an impressive array of talent. The six finalists for Ngā Whanaunga Māori Pasifika Shorts, chosen by curators Leo Koziol (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Rakaipaaka) and Craig Fasi (Niue), were also highlighted for their unique contributions to the film industry.
Upon receiving the award, Vea Mafile’o expressed deep gratitude and pride, particularly as her win coincides with the upcoming Uike Kātoanga’i ‘o e lea faka-Tonga – Tonga Language Week. “I feel incredibly honoured and proud to receive such a prestigious award, especially on the eve of Uike Kātoanga’i ‘o e lea faka-Tonga.
This film represents the different cultural journeys we are all on. There are many paths and different experiences. Everyone’s cultural identity and sense of belonging looks different. But it’s what you feel in your heart that counts the most. This is loto-māfana,” said Mafile’o.
The jury awards were presented following the Auckland screenings at the ASB Waterfront Theatre, as part of the festival’s Aotearoa Film Focus Weekend on Sunday, August 18. This year’s festival not only celebrated the rich diversity of New Zealand’s film landscape but also honored the distinct voices of Māori and Pasifika filmmakers, who continue to make significant strides in the industry.