Tonga’s involvement in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme has delivered notable socio-economic benefits, with 81% of Tongans saying seasonal work is good for families, and 89% supporting its benefits for businesses.
Currently, according to a recent PALM report, 3,680 Tongan workers are in Australia under the scheme, representing 6% of Tonga’s working-age population. Of these, two-thirds are on short-term contracts of up to nine months, while the rest undertake long-term roles lasting up to four years.
The scheme has seen Tongan workers remit over TOP122 million to their families since 2012. On average, each seasonal worker sends TOP9,545 annually, supporting education and healthcare expenses back home.
Beyond financial gains, the PALM scheme strengthens family bonds and promotes cultural values. The report revealed that “8 in 10 Pacific PALM workers reported improvements in family relationships, often thanks to increased income and material goods decreasing money stress.”
Tonga’s labour mobility has also extended to aged care, with six workers completing an Australian qualification in individual support (ageing), and five more expected to graduate by the end of 2024.
The Australian Government continues to refine the scheme, ensuring pay parity, improved worker welfare, and family accompaniment options for better long-term outcomes.