Hu’akavameliku Sovaleni Sovaleni resigned to forestall a vote of no confidence amid reports that the Palace Office had Noble MPs in his Cabinet to withdraw their backing.
It is a continuation of a year-long battle with King Tupou VI, who had let it be known he wanted to appoint his own Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministers.
RNZ Pacific correspondent in Tonga Kalafi Moala spoke about likely candidates to replace Hu’akavameiliku, including a first cousin of the King.
However, first he talked about the motivations for the no-confidence vote in the first place, saying Sovaleni felt ambushed.
“One is that the prime minister really felt there was nothing wrong he did that earned a vote of no confidence and he was just so surprised that nobody approached him personally, even if there was some strange relationship with the Palace Office.”
He said there was no communication explaining why the King would lose confidence at all.
Three noble Cabinet MPs resigned, leaving Sovaleni high and dry.
According to Moala, the Tongan public is unhappy with the situation because Sovaleni has become popular and recognised as a leader who gets things done.
“The word on the street is that it seems there’s a backlash to the existing establishment, particularly on the royal family, on the nobility. I think Sovaleni has gotten a lot more sympathy right now than previously,” he said.
“It’s really quite significant. More people are supporting him. More people are questioning the communication or the mood that’s coming in from the Palace Office.”
Nominations for the new prime minister are now open, and Moala said ‘Aisake Eke, the former Finance Minister under ‘Akilisi Pohiva, is a one of the top candidates. Eke was the one who lodged the vote of no confidence.
He also said the MP who hold Tongatapu No 1, Tevita Puloka, could be a candidate, noting the added bonus of being the King’s first cousin.
“So he’s the one person that seems to have not only very strong support from the people, but he also has this blood link to the royal family. Not only that, he’s also a man with great integrity.
“When he got voted in, he gave a very strong indication he didn’t want to be a minister, he didn’t want to be involved in horse trading and all of that, and he would refuse any offer of a minister to government.”
Perhaps being offered the top job will change that.
Source: RNZ